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External Engagement Activity

The External Engagement activity is designed for learners to complete tasks outside of the Moodle platform. Learners are encouraged to go through each task on their own or collaborate with a partner, such as colleagues, peers from the same course, or friends who can provide valuable suggestions and comments on their work.

They have the option to share their thoughts and insights upon returning to Moodle, but it is not a mandatory requirement. This approach empowers learners to take ownership of their learning experience, whether through self-guided exploration or cooperative learning outside the platform.


  1. To experience Resource Exploration in a real course on FacDev, explore the following free-access course:

Note: Only authentic users logged into Fac.Dev will be able to enroll in free-access courses, except iQUEST support portal. To create a FacDev account, go to the Signup to unlock more features and free courses.

Last modified: Monday, 6 November 2023, 6:27 PM