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Multistaged Individual Project

The individual project offers learners a structured, coherent learning experience centered around a specific inquiry topic or theme closely aligned with the course content. This assessment method guides individual learners through various stages of project development, culminating in a final submission. Often referred to as "assessment for learning," this approach empowers learners to receive feedback and refine their work as they progress through different project milestones. It encourages continuous improvement and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Bridging Leader Program - A local leadership project

At present, we do not have specific examples within our open-access courses. The Bridging Leader Program is a paid QUEST and we provide the course introduction link for your information. The project-based learning may encompass various activity types, including artifacts, reflection, and peer review, designed to enhance communication and collaboration both within and among groups of learners.

Last modified: Monday, 6 November 2023, 6:23 PM