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How to use SCORM for different learning needs?

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a collection of specifications that enable interoperability, accessibility and re-usability of web-based learning content focusing on sequences of learning activities that targeting different learning outcomes. It is widely used in different learning modalities such as online, computer-based training, distance learning or eLearning. Learning management system (LMS) like Moodle does not generate SCORM content. You can search tools like Articulate to make a SCORM course packages for the LMS.

Using SCORM packages as pre- or post-course materials to prepare students for the lecture is commonly used to engage and track learners' learning progress in the blended learning environment. For online QUESTs, SCORM has become a fundamental component adopted by facilitators to enrich the learning experience. The use of sequencing and navigation to combine the learning content and interaction in the SCORM packages enable learners to access and review the knowledge at their own pace. The elements of gamification can be introduced to design the SCORM to motivate learners by awarding them a grade upon completion.

Steps to Set Up SCORM in FacDev:

  1. In your course, with editing turned on, select "SCORM Package" from the activity chooser.

  2. Provide a name for your SCORM package and, if needed, a description.

  3. In the "Package" section, upload your SCORM package.

  4. Expand the other sections to select the settings you want, particularly the "Appearance" and "Attempts Management" sections.

  5. Click "Save and Return to Course."

Tips for Attempts Management:

  • Learners may access the SCORM package multiple times until they complete the content and associated activities. The setting for "Force New Attempt" determines whether a new attempt should be enabled each time a user accesses the package.

    There are three options:

    1. "No" - If a previous attempt is completed, passed, or failed, the user will be provided with the option to enter review mode or start a new attempt.

    2. "When Previous Attempt Completed, Passed, or Failed" - This relies on the SCORM package setting the status as "completed," "passed," or "failed."

    3. "Always" - Each re-entry into the SCORM activity will generate a new attempt, and the user will not return to the same point they reached in their previous attempt.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 November 2023, 4:32 PM