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How to enrol users via enrollment key method?

An enrollment key is a simple yet effective way to restrict access to your FacDev course. It acts as a safeguard, ensuring that only authorized individuals can join your course. With an enrollment key, you have the flexibility to share it with specific users or provide it to a wider audience, depending on your course requirements.

Steps to Enroll Users via Enrollment Key:

Log in to your FacDev account as an administrator or course instructor. 

Once you are inside your course, select the "option", typically located in bottom left corner of the course page if you are using Chrome browser. Select "more" from the list. Within the course administration panel, find and select the "Users" tab.

Select "Enrolment methods".

Choose "self enrolment" from the "Add method" list.

Set the enrolment key by entering a unique and secure keyword in the "enrolment key" field.

Specify additional options such as the "Enrolment duration" and any specific instructions for students if needed.

Once you've configured the settings, click "Save changes" to apply the enrollment key.

Sharing the Enrollment Key:

To enroll users in your course, share the enrollment key with them. This key can be communicated through various means, such as email, a course announcement, or by providing it in person. Users who wish to join your course will need to enter the enrollment key when prompted during the enrollment process.